3 Common Misconceptions of Journaling

3 Common Misconceptions of Journaling

Woman writing in hardcover journal

I’ve enjoyed chatting about journaling with many people lately, and I quickly noticed a pattern of misconceptions. Is journalling for everyone? Maybe not. But, those I were talking to all had an interest or wanted to learn how to journal, however, they felt stuck. If you have any of these same misconceptions, I hope this will help!

#1 Misconception - Journaling takes too much time

The amount of time you spend writing in your journal is completely up to you! Some days you may have three pages of writing, whereas other days you may have three sentences. It’s not a competition, spend as much or as little time as you’d like.

If you are new to keeping a journal or diary, starting with a few short sentences is a great place to begin. Or, you can go all in! There is no written rule that you’re required to spend an hour writing, sometimes five minutes is all you need.

I find the days I don’t feel like writing because I don’t think I have enough time, are the days I need it most. I use journaling to unwind and finish the day with a clear mind.

#2 Misconception - I have to write in my journal daily

Again, this goes hand in hand with journaling taking too much time. If you like journal writing but don’t want to commit to it everyday, then set aside ten minutes on a Sunday evening to talk about your week, or the last day of the month to reflect.

It’s just like forming any habit, it takes time and practice. Do what feels right for you. Some weeks you may be going through an experience that has you wanting to write everyday, and other times you may not feel the urge for a few weeks.

Journaling is more about sharing your story and giving your thoughts and feelings a home, it’s not about a schedule.

Woman writing in hardcover journal

#3 Misconception - I didn’t do anything interesting to write about

Your journal doesn’t care if you went skydiving, ran a marathon or sat and binge watched Netflix. Journaling isn’t about being over the top interesting or just documenting the big and exciting moments. It’s about expressing your thoughts, feelings and reflections on any experience in a positive and non judgemental setting.

You can write about your favourite or least favourite part of the day and why. You can write about the show you are binge watching and why you enjoy it or how you relate to it. Or, you can write about the friend you finally caught up with over lunch. I suggest writing whatever comes to mind.

As you get comfortable and let go of filtering your thoughts, the words will come naturally.

It’s your journal, and it’s your rules!

Your journal is meant to share, reflect and let go, so be sure to have fun with it and not take it too seriously. I envision my journals as keepsakes, whether it’s for myself to look through one day or my children, I think that’s what makes them special.

                                 Journals give our story a home.

Check out my collection of guided journals for another way you can start writing today!