Ep 22. | 4 Ways to Shift Fearful "What If's" And Embrace The Unknown

The Spirit Unleashed Podcast with Robyn Liechti



Also Available On Apple & Spotify



1. Shift your fearful what if’s into exciting what if’s

2. Explore the possible outcomes and make a plan for the undesired ones so you feel a little more prepared.

3. Make a “fear resume” and take note of how prior experiences with fear and resisting change evolved.

4. Build momentum each morning with trust, confidence, and awareness.


Are you what if-ing your life away? Fearing change and the unknown? Well, what if, you transformed the fearful what if’s into a sense of excitement for the unknown? What if you turned being afraid of what could go wrong… into being excited for what could go right? // In this episode, I take you through 4 ways to shift fearful what if’s and embrace the unknown of change. I, too, can like life predictable and certain, but that can get boring. I’ve also experienced the most growth during times of change and resilience. My go-to methods for shifting a fearful mindset is to shift what if’s into excited ones (like: what if my business takes off and is better than I ever imagined?!), plan for the less desirable outcomes, create a fear resume, and to build positive momentum before getting out of bed.// I opt to follow the feelings and thoughts that feel good, and while we may not be able to control the pockets of fear that arise, I do believe we are able to make conscious choices on how we move forward. Connie Sky said, “Embrace change. True success is defined by your ability to adapt to changing circumstances,” and while change is sometimes uncomfortable, I wholeheartedly agree.


Instagram: @robyn.liechti
Pinterest: @journalsofdiscovery


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