35 | For The One Who Made A Mistake

The Spirit Unleashed Best Podcasts for Women




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It's not your mistakes that define you, it’s how you learn from them, shift from them, and what you do to correct them. It’s how you sincerely apologize and make things right. It’s the lesson that you’ve taken to the next experience, it’s the character you’ve shown when righting the wrong. Mistakes happen, there’s no getting around that. Sometimes we are aware when we’re doing it and other times we’re not. Don’t beat yourself up for the mistakes. Instead, learn from them. Let them be the wisdom that you carry with you. It’s easy to say “I should’ve known,” “I should’ve done better,” or, “I shouldn’t have done that,” but if you can’t change it, do your best to not dwell on it. Instead, focus on the lesson and how you can integrate it into your present and future. 


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Pinterest: @journalsofdiscovery


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