26 | 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

The Spirit Unleashed Podcast with Robyn Liechti



Also Available On Apple & Spotify



1. I recently read that almost 50% of our day is on autopilot… 50%!

2. The impact of living on autopilot vs. creating a life you love.

3. 5 Questions to ask yourself every morning for a more intentional day.

4. If you want to create an intentional life, start by creating an intentional day.


Did you know that almost half of our day is operated on autopilot? That number scares me a little, it sounds like we are robots roaming around preprogrammed. And we kind of are in some ways if you stop and look at our days. It is such a shame as well because life is meant to be LIVED. With that though means consciously showing up and creating your life. Creating each day as it comes so you aren’t letting the days and months and years just pass you by.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be 60 or 80 and look back and think “what the heck did I do with all that time I had?!” I decided a few years ago to consciously create my life… how I show up… who I’m being.. and how I can integrate my core values into my life instead of wishing or waiting. I’ve also recently shared on my social media and email community that I’m now offering Empowerment coaching, and a lot of the driving force to that was wanting to help and support women identify the beliefs that hold them back and help them write a narrative that better serves them and propels them forward.

Most of the beliefs that we hold onto have just become a pattern, a habit. We haven’t questioned them in a really long time and they now run the show, but they don’t need to. Add these 5 questions into your daily routine to add a little more awareness and intention to your day (and life).

1. What am I grateful for today - and why?

2. What are my intentions today?

3. What would my favourite/ideal/or higher self do today?

4. How can I give and receive love today?

5. What is my heart saying today?

I say today because I'd like you to focus on just today... one conscious day at a time.


Instagram: @robyn.liechti
Pinterest: @journalsofdiscovery


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