Thank You For 5 Years In Business!

Core Values & Mission

empowerment. joy. self-celebration.

Core values and mission of Journals of Discovery by Robyn Liechti


When creating Journals of Discovery, I wrote down these core values I wanted to build my business, and journals, around. They are considered in everything I do or create, whether it's a new journal, a blog entry, a social media post or an interview.

These are my promises to you.

Customer Commitment

I will create deeper personal relationships that make a positive difference in our customers daily lives.


I am passionate about giving everyone a safe place to honour their personal story, regardless of age, race or gender.


I will provide beautiful and outstanding products, that together, offer incredible value to my customers.


I understand self-care, self-discovery and journaling may not always come easy. We provide simple, guided, ready to use journals to make journaling easier, faster and more meaningful.


I uphold the highest compassion and understanding for my customers. I recognize that everyone has a story, and it's my goal to ensure that yours is told and celebrated.



Because you deserve the best.

Six things we believe to be true by Journals of Discovery


It is my mission to bring to life these six important things, and reminders, in all that I do and offer my customers.

1. Everyone Has A Story

My purpose here is to give your story a home, no matter how ordinary, or extraordinary, you believe it is. You have a story, and it matters.

2. Growth Comes From Reflection

There are many quotes saying "don't look back, you're not going that way". I agree, but only to an extent. Because after all, how can a lesson be learned, or knowledge be gained without looking back and reflecting?

3. Your Relationship With Yourself Matters

Self-love comes with self-awareness, self-discovery and gratitude. Make your relationship with yourself a priority and watch as the relationships around you are positively impacted as well.

4. Self-Care Begins With Self-Discovery

I've redefined self-care because I want you to experience long-term happiness, fulfillment and empowerment. Learn and celebrate who you are so you can live life on your own terms.

5. You Were Made To Thrive

You were not put on this earth to eat, work, sleep and repeat. You have a purpose, passions, interests, hobbies and so much more that should be explored and lived. Less simply surviving, and more being and thriving!

6. Showing Up As Yourself Is Important

You are the only you there is! If that isn't worth celebrating, I'm not sure what is. Show up in all that you do and with all that you are. Your authenticity, unique experiences and insights are needed in this world.

Know Yourself.

Be Yourself.

Love Yourself.


Your Friend,
