Ep. 01 | Hello & Welcome To The Spirit Unleashed


The Spirit Unleashed Podcast with Robyn Liechti




Also available on Apple & Spotify




  • Meet your host, self-published author, Robyn Liechti
  • Robyn shares her mission for The Spirit Unleashed podcast
  • The FEAR Robyn is facing by creating this podcast
  • What to expect with the episode themes and how often new episodes will drop


Welcome to The Spirit Unleashed!

I’m your host, Robyn Liechti, and I’m happy you’re here! I’m a mom, a girlfriend, and a self-published author of many guided self-care journals such as The Making of a Strong Woman and The Making of a Mother. I’m passionate about helping others live intentionally, question their limiting beliefs, and practicing self-awareness so they can grow into their favourite self.

I didn't start this podcast because I LOVE speaking, I created it because it scares the heck out of me. Red face, shaky voice, hives and all. Thankfully, my desire to inspire others is greater than my fear.

On The Spirit Unleashed podcast you can expect two episodes a week - an “Inspiration Monday” show and a Thursday show with tips, tricks, and informative guests who have overcome obstacles, who teach and empower others, and who choose to shine their light while showing us how we can, too.

Tune in for more information.

Thanks for listening!


Instagram: @robyn.liechti
Pinterest: @journalsofdiscovery
Listen on Apple Podcasts